Ju-Jitsu ka
A collection of athletes, referees , personalities from JJIF and around with their statements and advice for your personal way in Martial Art and Sports
Roel van Ravens – Honorary member of JJIF
- Jiu Jitsu 6th Dan
- Judo referee 1973 – 1990
- Ju-Jitsu Referee since 1980-2016
- JJEU Referee Director 2000-2016
- JJIF Vice President Referee committee 2000-2016
- Dutch Referee Committee Director

Martial Art CV
- 1958 – 1960 Sports Academie (C.I.O.S.), with speciality Jiu-Jitsu and Judo
- 1960 – 1962 Military Sport Instructor in the Dutch Army
- 1963 – 2013 Professional Instructor Jiu-Jitsu and Judo in his own Academy for the martial arts named “Sportschool Roel van Ravens”
- Skills : Jiu Jitsu 6th Dan – Judo 3rd Dan
- Organiser of the first Jiu Jitsu tournament in The Netherlands, named “Open Rotterdam Championships”
- Functions :
Member Districts Board Judo Bond Nederland, education field Jiu-Jitsu, 3 years (one period)
Member National Board J.B.N., education field Jiu Jitsu, 3 years
Chairman Districts Examination Committee for 1st , 2nd and 3rd dan
Mirnesa and Mirneta Becirovic better known as THE TWINS
Mirnesa and Mirneta Becirovic are identical twins, 24 years old and live in Austria, in a small town close to Vienna called Pressbaum. They were born in Bosnia and came in the course of the civil war from Ex-Yugoslavia at the age of 8 months with their parents and older brother to Austria.
Mirnesa and Mirneta started with 6 years Jiu Jitsu and are now black belts (2. Dan).
After graduating from commercial colleague in 2011, they got the opportunity to enter into a special contract with the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs. This means that they are top athletes of the austrian police and have next to their profession as police officers a high contingent of sports exemption for training during the working hours, competitions, training camps and so on.

1.) What is your biggest accomplishment in Jiu Jitsu?
Our biggest accomplishment in Jiu Jitsu is that we are unbeaten since 4 years in the discipline duo woman. We won 3 World Championship and 2 European Championship titles in duo woman, 1 World Championship title in the new system duo show, in 2013 we won the World Games in Colombia and the World Combat Games in Russia.
For us it makes no difference how many championships we have won- all that counts is the performance on the tatami.
2.) What one or two things do you currently do in your training that are keys to your success?
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of focused preparation and hard work. We follow a strict all-year training plan, which includes a lot of sessions in the gym and the dojo.
3.) What would be your ultimate achievement?
If Jiu Jitsu would be olympic, it would be a dream of ours to participate. If Jiu Jitsu would be in the Olympic Games, for sure it would increase in popularity and we wouldn’t have to explain no longer „what is Jiu Jitsu?“.
4.) How do you set your goals? Motto?
In order to achieve the ultimate goal, we’re setting many smaller goals. In this regard we follow the motto:”Fight as if it were your last!”
5.) What is your diet like?
We eat very clean and prefer low-carb food. Especially before hard workouts and competitions we reload our carbohydrate stores.
For sure, we love to enjoy our cheat days.
6.) Breakthrough
Our breakthrough was the Inclusion in the police squad, which led to personal performance enhancement and success in duo.
7.) Advice
The best advice we got from our trainer was “When mistakes happen, just go ahead and make the best of it. In further consequence learn from it.
8.) Special ritual before competition
Yes, sure. Our special ritual includes
-creating a new music playlist for the competition day
– visualizing fights and
– doing the same warming-up.
9) Anything else you’d liked to share?
We want to add that anyone is able to win or to lose- it depends on how you deal with it. Sometimes you need to lose the small battles in order to win the war. Always stay focused! Moreover we want to give special thanks to our trainers, our family and friends, and our sponsors for supporting us.